Whats the default brush?

I know i am not insane, but i cant quite find the default brush, or just the brush that loads while you start the program for the very first time.

If you are not sure what i am talkin about tell me where the user config/history file is saved in ubuntu/linux, am not talkin bout .local/share/mypaint but the cache or something that remembers what brush i have last used.

The last brush you used is saved in your .config/mypaint/settings.json under the setting:

The actual default for the very first time you run MyPaint (before you even have a config) is hardcoded in the gui/brushmanager.py file, in a variable called _DEFAULT_BRUSH

The current default is Dieterle/Fan#1 because I changed it :-). I was thinking an actual paint brush is a better default than a pencil, especially with the new features.

Dieterle/Fan#1 yep thats what i was looking for, thats some good work btw

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hi i guess there is no brush folder installed if you are using appimage? i want to use brushes in gimp ? .myb doesn’t seem to be work with gimp, from what i understand it should be ora type, so is installing mypaint the option to get mypaint brushes to gimp?