Category Topics

Artwork Showcase

Post your Artwork that you made with MyPaint here!

Blog Post Discussion

This is for discussing the Blog Posts up on MyPaint.Org.

User Support

Have a question about MyPaint that you seem to can't figure out? Or Do you need help installing MyPaint or figuring out a potential bug?

Feature Requests

Have a feature idea you want to add to MyPaint. Post away here so we can brainstorm how we could accomplish this. Also if you have an idea to improve an already implemented feature, this is the place as well.

Developer's Area

A place where our developers, and contributors can chit chat and also a place they can get help developing for MyPaint whether it's coding, translating, porting, web design, ect.

General Chit-Chat

A place where either the topic doesn’t align up with the category or specific topic. Just a place to talk.

Resources & Tutorials

Have a Resource such as a MyPaint Bursh Pack you want to share with the community? Or Maybe it's a Drawing Tutorial? This is the place to post it.

Github Issues Feedback

This Category is only for Github Issues of the MyPaint project that Community Team needs feedback on. If you need to report a bug with MyPaint or its other projects please refer to our trackers on GitHub: