Wacom and Threshold on Linux: You do it well, please do not change

I recently acquired a Wacom Draw tablet, and it was a headache the GUI configurations (buttons, sliders, menu, etc) if pen tip is very sensitive, because you tend to make accidental mistakes very frequently. So I found Threshold parameter in linux wacom driver to set the sensitivity in GUI, and it works perfectly with MyPaint. The problem is that in all other programs (GIMP, Krita, Blender) Threshold parameter has influence in Canvas/viewport, which is a problem. MyPaint is the only one that does not take into account Threshold parameter within canvas, which I consider the correct behavior.

Well, all this is related to this GIMP report I created:

Maybe MyPaint developers can contribute something in that report about how MyPaint manages to do it.

Thank you

I’m not sure my hunch here really makes sense, but maybe it does. In GIMP you have somewhere a list of devices and where they are active, some of those being the wacom’s cursor and the stylus, separately. Perhaps the problems with GIMP in particular stem from having the wacom cursor “device” as active within the canvas… but I’m just guessing.