Some Additional Paintings Created With MyPaint

I would like to share some other digital paintings created with MyPaint 1.2 edition.
I have another thread here for Girls from Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-Ins yet have other paintings outside that theme.

This painting is a portraiture of a DW News Broadcaster (Germany News Broadcast in the U.S.A.) that caught my attention as a potentially good reference.


Started quite a few paintings using MyPaint over the past couple of years with landscape theme.
This is the first painting I considered finished. To be perfectly honest I do not consider any
paintings I’ve created as completely finished and perfect. There is simply a point in time after
progression where you need to cut it off and stop. The digital custom designed frame in this painting was added with a graphic arts program called U-Lead Photo Impact.

Here is another landscape style painting that I cut off and considered done.
Digital custom designed frame in this image added with U-Lead Photo Impact.

Another comedy actress portraiture, this one Mila Kunis caught in a scene from an episode of
“That 70’s Show”. Mila starred in the comedy series for every season acting the character role of “Jackie” .

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I like the perception of shape, there’s a good brush work in there in my opinion, it gives a sense of solidity… but somehow there’s a sense of lack of balance, armony and proportion, like if you focus on details more than you focus on the bigger picture (if you know what I mean, if you don’t know I mean that before proceeding to shading, you should maybe focus on the general picture to check proportions, armony and balance of the shapes which may look a bit ugly in the end… unless the final effect is intentional, of course…).