Problems between the GIMP 2.10 Plugin and My Paint

I have many problems between the GIMP 2.10 Plugin and My Paint !!!
When I install G’MIC for GIMP 2.10 My Paint will be automatically removed.
And when I install mypaint-data and install mypaint again, G’MIC and gimp plugin that I installed will be automatically removed as well

I use it in the Xubuntu 18.04 LTS

Please help me because I’ve tried many times.

I think there is a dependency conflict between the versions of GIMP and MyPaint that ship with that version of Ubuntu. The easiest way to get a working version of MyPaint along with the GIMP/plugin you want is to use an AppImage build.

The latest alpha can be downloaded here:

if you don’t know how to use it, see this link: packaging - What is an "AppImage"? How do I install it? - Ask Ubuntu

Unfortunately I don’t think there is an AppImage for the 1.2.1, if you want that specific version. For that you’ll either have to:

  • wait until I sort out the build, at which point I can add an AppImage build retroactively to the 1.2.1 release.


  • Build that version from source (a little tricky, as it will need some modifications to allow for compatibility w. GIMP).
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For anyone else interested, I have four different operating systems on my newest desktop computer: Windows 10 Home, Debian Buster 10, AV Linux 2018, and Fedora Design Suite 30. Have tested the MyPaint appImage 2.0. Works on Debian, Windows, and Fedora. Does not work on AV Linux yet that is a more specialized custom built variant of Debian where I have been able to pick up all the packages necessary with dependencies to install version 1.2 from the Debian website under stable packages.

The same problem you describe here I have experienced with Debian Buster 10 and Fedora Design Suite 30. Dependency conflicts and breaks will not allow you to install MyPaint 1.2 from repositories along with the latest GIMP 2.10 that is really nice having the MyPaint brushes included. Lately I have been using these two graphic arts programs more than any others.

Strangely enough Windows 10 will allow you to install any MyPaint version or GIMP with no problems or conflicts. I write strangely here since Windows is a proprietary software operating system. Linux operating systems are more customized for open source software like the GIMP and MyPaint. Despite all the recent criticism towards Windows operating systems I find their latest version 10 to be more reliable and less problems than any other operating system. Especially with file sharing on a closed network between computers, nfs or samba for Linux far more difficult to use.

That’s good info, thanks! I wonder if the reason the appimage doesn’t work is due to the AV Linux desktop environment being based on gtk2. If possible, next time you’re running AV, could you try starting the appimage from a terminal and post the error message?

Strangely enough Windows 10 will allow you to install any MyPaint version or GIMP with no problems or conflicts. I write strangely here since Windows is a proprietary software operating system. Linux operating systems are more customized for open source software like the GIMP and MyPaint.

The reason for this is that most (if not all) windows-ports of linux-centric applications simply bundle absolutely all dependencies necessary to run them*. That’s why distro-specific application packages in linux can be so much smaller when dependencies can be shared by multiple applications, whereas the windows packages will always include everything for each application. So no conflicts, but potentially lots of redundancy.

In other words, there are pros and cons.

* With the exception of programs running under system/user-wide cygwin/msys2 environments and similar.

Thank you.:slightly_smiling_face:

Just to follow up on my previous comment about appimages for 1.2.1, in case anyone wants it, I have created an unofficial and unsupported appimage of 1.2.1, with some small backported fixes and a backport of the basic additions to the floodfill tool (offset, feather, gap closing, nothing else). I have created the release under another repo, to avoid the impression that this is an official release.

You can fetch it from the download section in the link below. Read the caveats in the release notes.