Problem with MyPaint Nightly installation: ImportError: /app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String

Description of the Problem, or Question?

After I install MyPaint Nightly from flatpak (I follow the next comands):

flatpak remote-add --no-gpg-verify --user mypaint-master-repo

flatpak --user install mypaint-master-repo org.mypaint.MyPaint-Nightly

I try to run MyPaint Nightly with: flatpak run org.mypaint.MyPaint-Nightly

BUT when runs in terminal, the next message appears:

itzcuauhtli@itzcuauhtli: ~$ flatpak run org.mypaint.MyPaint-NightlyINFO: mypaint: Installation layout: conventional POSIX-like structure with prefix u’/app’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/app/bin/mypaint”, line 446, in
= get_paths()
File “/app/bin/mypaint”, line 215, in get_paths
from lib import fileutils
File “/app/lib/mypaint/lib/”, line 24, in
import lib.gichecks
File “/app/lib/mypaint/lib/”, line 18, in
import gi
File “/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi/”, line 42, in
from . import _gi
ImportError: /app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String

(yeah, itzcuauhtli is the name of my computer and my personal nickname xD)

So, I want to know how to resolv this problem. I need to install anything else, remove anything or what?

Basic System Details

MyPaint version: MyPaint Nightly
Operating System + Version: Kubuntu 16.04 LTS
Please include Desktop Environment if on Linux
KDE Plasma 5.8.9
KDE Framework 5.36.0
Qt version: 5.6.1
Kernel version: 4.13.0-38-generic
OS tipe: 64 bits
Hardware: 4 x Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 1.80GHz, RAM 3.7 GiB

Make and Model # of Graphic Tablet:
Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch

Please Tell Us How to Reproduce the Problem in Steps.

In terminal simply write: flatpak run org.mypaint.MyPaint-Nightly

And the error in the terminal previously described appears.

Are there any Errors Popping Up? If so, paste the text in the area shown below.

flatpak run org.mypaint.MyPaint-NightlyINFO: mypaint: Installation layout: conventional POSIX-like structure with prefix u'/app'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/bin/mypaint", line 446, in <module>
    = get_paths()
  File "/app/bin/mypaint", line 215, in get_paths
    from lib import fileutils
  File "/app/lib/mypaint/lib/", line 24, in <module>
    import lib.gichecks
  File "/app/lib/mypaint/lib/", line 18, in <module>
    import gi
  File "/app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi/", line 42, in <module>
    from . import _gi
ImportError: /app/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_AsUTF8String

_For other guidelines to create a great user support ticket, please visit this wiki page at Reporting Bugs · mypaint/mypaint Wiki · GitHub

@manuq This would be your area since you maintain the flatpak packages for mypaint.

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