New MyPaint website testing

Hi everyone, please try out the new website I’ve been testing for MyPaint. Please note that much of the actual website content (including the front page) isn’t completed.

Let me know what you think.


I like the new design, it reminds me of how the GNOME project guys are revamping their pages. It’s readable and elegant. While of course this is a wip, I think screenshots of the software are important to get people interested.

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Couldn’t agree more on screenshots. The big logistical challenge I have right now is creating a single source for information on the MyPaint project – that means moving over user guides and developer documentation from GitHub.

We’ll make the front page look nice before the site gets published.

Could it be a bit more artsy?

Can you please elaborate on that? Examples would be nice

When I saw “new website” I imagined a bit of art showing people what can be created with the program.

Ex: gnome(dot)org do a good job show casing what the software can do.

I suppose that makes two users suggesting that the front page should heavily feature graphical elements.

At first consideration, this would mean:

  • A full-width image at the start of the page showcasing the full application
    • Some kind of featured art in the canvas
    • Centered in the image: the page title, a subtitle, a download button (with version no.)
  • Headings showcasing the main strengths of the application
    • Each heading is accompanied with screenshots of the application demonstrating these strengths
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Yeah that sounds right

@JacobF @mond131313

Hi, we’ve added a “hero image” to the front page. Please let us know what you think

Very good! :+1: