Mouse ignored if tablet pen is used during alt+tab (windows 11)

Description of the Problem, or Question?

Mouse ignored if tablet pen is used during alt+tab

Basic System Details

Windows 11 64 bit

MyPaint version:

(Python 3.8.3, GTK 3.24.20, GdkPixbuf 2.40.0, Cairo 1.16.0, GLib 2.64.1

Make and Model # of Graphic Tablet:
Wacom board driver 6.4.3-1

Please Tell Us How to Reproduce the Problem in Steps.

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Thank you

Oddly enough similar to Pen input crippled in maximised/fullscreen apps (#3616) · Issues · GNOME / mutter · GitLab, which is a Linux bug. This might be an upstream issue, but I’m not familiar with MyPaint’s HID I/O handling at this point

Do you think the issue is as simple as debugging the code that detect when pen is about to be used and store the object properties and then when pen stops being used making sure all object properties are restored back to the previous properties before pen was used?

Object… properties? It’s going to be some time until I focus my attention towards MyPaint’s HID code specifically, but it’s most likely a problem with GTK rather than with MyPaint.