Hello, new user here. I’m wondering WHICH VERSION/S of MyPaint have the following features necessary for printable digital art?
-CYMK mode
-option to set canvas size or dimensions
-basic shapes tool (square, circle, oval, rounded square)
-selection tool
MyPaint is great; I’m currently using the very old version 1.1. It satisfies my current digital art needs (layers, unlimited canvas, responsiveness to pen pressure, etc) and very easy to use for a beginner like me. But because I’m venturing into making printable art, I find it necessary to find these features. Otherwise, it’s satisfactory.
I used to have Photoshop which understandably has such features (because, you’re right, it’s for photo editing) so I’m looking for those features. However, I’m not sure if these features are usually included in painting programs in general, so if they are not, please just let me know. No toxicity~