Just a friendly reminder that Huion tablets still don't work

Please fill out the topic template below so we can help you faster.

Description of the Problem, or Question?

The moment the pen tip presses against the tablet’s surface, the program closes.

Basic System Details

MyPaint version:
All of them. Not kidding, I’ve tried too many to list.

Operating System + Version:

Make and Model # of Graphic Tablet:
Huion h640p

Please Tell Us How to Reproduce the Problem in Steps.

Open software, press pen tip to tablet surface.

Are there any Errors Popping Up? If so, paste the text in the area shown below.

No errors, it just closes instantly.

_For our guidelines to create a great user support ticket, please visit this wiki page at https://github.com/mypaint/mypaint/wiki/Reporting-Bugs#reporting-guidelines_

Can you try the latest build here:
The builds were broken for a while but I just got it working I think.

Nop. It does not work yet. It crashes with Huion 640P. Using the latest build.


Please check this out and try the suggestions. Probably a GTK bug you could report to https://www.gtk.org/support.php

Thanks briend. That solved it. It works fine now. Thanks a lot.

Can you tell me how you managed to solve this issue?

I just updated to new version of GTK and also the tablet’s driver and it solved the issue. Now the tablet works fine

Sadly that didn’t help. Thanks anyways.

One new idea, if it helps: in the Huion driver (the programme) I checked the “Mouse mode” and “Game mode” in the digital pen menu.

I hope that helps

Good luck

yeah tried the “fix” and it works. using game mode in a huion h95p avoids the crash
game mode disables the pressure sensitivity of the pen and only register the clicks

but as soon as the tablet tries to send info on pressure (if you leave game mode) it crashes.
so the culprit is there. just need to figure out the why lol

GL guys and keep up the good work