Files saved as ".tmpsave.filename.ora" now fail to open

Description of the Problem, or Question?

i attempted to save a painting i had been working on as a .ora to open in gimp, and mypaint saved it as a “.tmpsave.filename.ora” no matter what i tried. i closed mypaint and attempted to reopen the file, and now neither mypaint OR gimp will open it. is there ANY way to recover this file? i seriously don’t know what happened but i’m about to lose my mind

Basic System Details

mypaint w32 2.0.1+git.478280f2

windows 10

Please Tell Us How to Reproduce the Problem in Steps.

export “filename.ora”
file saved as “tmpsave.filename.ora” instead ?? i don’t know why

Are there any Errors Popping Up? If so, paste the text in the area shown below.

could not load ".tmpsave.filename.ora".
error loading "tmpsave.filename.ora".
reason: file is not a zip file 
the logs may have more detail about this error

_For our guidelines to create a great user support ticket, please visit this wiki page at Reporting Bugs · mypaint/mypaint Wiki · GitHub

I have never seen this before. I have had files go bad in the past - various types - frustrating!

.ora is PNG files layered, with SVG for vector.

I found this - don’t know if it will help. I recommend trying to get an answer from someone who works in open raster development:

The above link is for a supposed auto fix tool. I can not vouch for this!!!
Again see if you can find someone really knowledgeable in the file format!
See if someone has used this tool!

Question: does the corrupt file have an expected file size? Reason for the question: is the data is all there to save?

Good luck!