Dieterle's MyPaintings



A test of smudge tweaks and ciecam16 stuff. This is all done with illuminant “A” and pretty much zero saturation, just changes in lightness:
reference: [Play Raw] Clouds & sun beams - Play Raw -


Here’s another test with illuminant A as the white point. It’s really nice to desaturate with a warm illuminant so that the blue becomes a warm grey instead of a cold grey



Great to see how this works. Thanks! Bit busy here now but as soon as there is time \i will try this myself!

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I really love your work @briend!! I had no idea when i spoke to you at LGM that you were such a great artist!!

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Thanks @fanialivio! I just found your website; your work is amazing!

I’ve been working on some texture bump mapping and thickness channel stuff that I think is really cool. I have no idea when or if will get cleaned up enough to get into MyPaint stable, but for now I am enjoying some impasto and canvas effects. If you are a brave soul you can try this on my libmypaint and mypaint forks- warning, very buggy and lots of broken/missing features. Any programmers out there, feel free to clean this up :wink:


Brink of Lower Falls, YellowStone

AyItsmert's Cat


Would recommend getting a Logitech G13 as an accessory, does wonders for the workflow.

very professional paintings, especially portraits, I can see your best works (subjective opinion) are those which reflected a feeling of calmness and stability or those which used warmer colors and less neutral colors (or at least the warmer paintings are the ones who seemed to inspire the most, according to my perception) :+1:

I know it’s kinda a old thread, but I wanted to say I really enjoyed looking through your works. Your ability to work with limited palette is wonderful! Also, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your status on impasto/canvas effects? I’m not a programmer so unfortunately I cannot contribute, but as an artist, I’m definitely interested in trying it out. :+1: