MyPaint’s shiny new community forums site is open! We’ve set up a beautiful, clean and modern Discourse site in place of the aging old BBS that went dark recently. Whether you’re an old hand or a new user, come and help us build a fresh community of MyPaint users!
If there’s interest,
I’d like to start up a monthly art challenge before too long.
Watch this site and the forums for details.
We’re already seeking suggestions for the first art challenge’s theme.
Please drop off your suggestions in the open
suggestion thread
and make your voice heard!
In the meantime, please introduce yourself, or showcase your latest masterpieces in the forums. If you post your art on DeviantArt, all you need to do is paste the link into a post. The board software will make a nice thumbnailed link for you. It’s clever about hundreds of other popular sites too. Check out the Discourse home page for instructions and short videos.
To get the site rolling, I’ll be posting screenshots of the new version of MyPaint and its new features. We have a help section for new developers too, if you have any programming questions.
Big thanks to our forum sponsors Altispeed for paying the hosting bill, and to Albert Westra for building and running the new community forums! I’m hoping that we’ll be able to grow a friendly, honest, and welcoming community of people.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at