Codartx Artworks

I’ve never encountered this problem. Could you take some screenshots of it so that we can see the difference?

(If you do, start a new thread about it.)

i knew it was too intimate to talk about , take it as my thoughts on it . sry , nothing personal .

i decided to work on 1 pixel widht pen to get the deepest resolution and did some detail lines , and then much zoomed out draw somewhere else again detailed , and as i came back it was different then . i will respond more detailed later

draw with a 1pix pen, i don’t really understand why, that’s pretty hard to make gradient but you work as you need/want. Actually i have orders and works because my style likes. So no reason to change it :smiley:

i did a bigger thread on the compression artifacts of zooming :

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Hop, share a background for linuxmint (captain obvious…).


And another one to celebrate the spring ! Sunshining, dancing, musicing !



The perspective looks a bit off on this one… I think his right hand should be bigger because it is closer to us.

yes maybe, i don’t really think about it ^^

Hi everyone ! I’m back with new pics ! MyPaint is awesome, i’m working on a project : Knights of the round table, inspired by a french tv show “Kaamelott”, speak about Arthurian Legend but with losers and bucket of jokes. Hope you like it. All works are made with mypaint and my intuos.

This Bohort to start :slight_smile:


